Monday, August 20, 2007

Academia's Shift Right

RT was not surprised that Karl Rove, Bush's brain, will resign soon from his influential position in the Whitehouse. He completed most of his work and has posted substantial victories. The little Eichmanns succeeded in firing Ward Churchill, and a recent NYTimes article stands as another bellwether of the political shift to the right of U$ academia.

First, before commenting on the specific article and entering the trenches of the gender theory war, RT wishes to point out that queer and transgender people have been oppressed within the U$ for years now, and only recently have revisionist parties such as the RCP abandoned the position of homosexuality being a symptom of capitalist decadance. Not surprisingly, reports periodically come out of Prachanda Pathers persecuting glbts.

The NYT article clearly takes a reactionary point of view, siding with the "researcher" J. Michael Bailey defending his right to free academic inquiry in the face of criticism from peers. Even though Dr. Bancroft, director of the Kinsey Institute criticized Bailey's book as "not science," and later admissions from Alice Dreger, a biased investigator cited as somehow offering the definitive review on Bailey, that Bailey's research was anecdotal at best, the article considers Bailey a de facto scientist because he upholds a reactionary line despite great personal difficulty.

Strange how the media suddenly becomes concerned with the personal toll of professional attacks when it comes to reactionaries such as Bailey but takes delight in the suffering of true academic pioneers such as Ward Churchill. RT considers the article as indicative of the general media propaganda pushing the public and academia to the political right. Maoist insight and scholarship will remain underground in such a hostile environment until the time comes for it to surface and wage war openly against the imperialists. Only when the time is right and the fascism of the first world labor aristrocracy has suffered substantial defeats at the hands of a potracted people's war of the oppressed.

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