Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Brief Survey of IRTR

The It's Right to Rebel forums provide a wealth of discussion between communists on many important questions.

Should leaders get material benefits? paid more?
Agreement seems to emerge on the reduction of pay for leaders as a measure for warding off corruption and restoration.

CIA funded scholarship

Can there be a two-line struggle in communism?
Servethe people says,
There was a two-line struggle in the CPC between Wang Ming's reactionary line and Comrade Mao's revolutionary line. That struggle happens one time. It leads to a resolution of the contradiction, and then the superior line emerges.

After that, there cannot be any more "two-line struggle" involving the inferior line. It has been proven inferior, so we simply reject it. Persyns who uphold the refuted line should leave the party and do their own thing. They should not expect to initiate a "two-line struggle" within the vanguard party, and the vanguard certainly shouldn't put up with that nonsense.
Consider the latest blowout between some Maoists and revisionists on Revleft forums. The revisionists limited the Maoists to the opposing ideologies forum because they're supposedly anti-worker. The revisionists hold to defining proletariat solely in terms of their relationship to the means of production. They fail to take into account the ways in which first world "proletariat" benefit from the exploitation of the third world proletariat and the fact that many of them also share in ownership of the means of production. Revleft certainly isn't interested in a two-line struggle.

Does a Maoist People's Army disarm?
Consider this question in relation to the current events in Nepal.

Should comrades have families?

Is mental health solely a clinical question or does it have a political aspect?

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