Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Little Eichmanns Win

Es ist Zeit für Reich! (It's time for Reich!)
Not surprisingly, the University Colorado board of regents voted 8-1 to fire Ward Churchill. Students present booed the decision, which is a major blow to academic freedom in the United $tates.

Monkey Smashes Heaven posts some excerpts from the defunct It's Right to Rebel Forums on the form of the joint dictatorship of the proletariat of oppressed nations (JDPON). Included is the proposal to resettle a large portion of the U$ population in the third world. RT considers this a fascinating plan with a sound basis in communism. Marx emphasized the importance of redistributing the population more evenly between cities and rural areas, and I think the U$ diaspora follows from Marx's logic. Many posts from IRTR indicate such a plan might take decades to execute.

The one fact I have to contend with is the statement that, in general, Third World culture and politics are more advanced. Certainly, the Third World is leading the most advanced communist revolutions in the world, and an advanced culture might logically follow from the politics. Certain aspects of certain cultures are backward and reactionary, though. Communists will find the task of changing the culture of the U$ labor aristocracy very difficult. RT agrees with zamiel:

Focus on the young and let the older ones work until they die off. Why waste effort stamping out ingrained religious and bourgeoisie predispositions? You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

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