Monday, July 23, 2007

IEEPA Expansion: Capitalist Terrorism

On July 17, Bush promulgated an addition to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to block property of people who commit acts of violence that threaten the stability of Iraq and undermine attempts at political reform or promote economic reconstruction in Iraq. Some people believe the executive order will have a chilling effect on open dissent, which it will. Bush and Cheney didn't hesitate calling Democratic opponents as traitors giving aid and comfort to the enemy. More importantly, it seeks to pacify resistance to imperialism. The executive order hinges the requirement for prosecution on the comission of an act of violence. Resisting the violence of imperialist stormtroopers requires a violent response to send the message that the people of the world will not tolerate aggression. Most revisionists won't have a problem with the executive ordrer, because they'll think that as long as they don't engage in violence, they can continue to operate under the magnanimity of the imperialists.

The order delegates responsibility for prosecution to the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. The executive order plainly violates the first amendment and further illustrates the monarchical nature of the presidency. The Democrats will benefit from those powers when the capitalists believe having one for president will improve their bottom line. They might yell about Bush rolling back civil liberties, but he'll never receive anything more than a slap on the wrist.

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