Monday, July 2, 2007

US Fails to Provide Proof in Case for War with Iran

Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner trotted out the cards with mugshots and captions that supposedly provide definitive proof of Iran's involvement in killing US soldiers in Iran. The case rings hollow like Colin Powell's vial of anthrax at the UN. The imperialists produce their so-called smoking guns that only turn out to be distortions designed to provide a justification to appropriate the wealth of other nations. If you think the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are about protecting the American people from Muslim extremists, you're dead wrong. There are 500,000 dead Iraqis who would fail to see the death of even 3,200 people as justification for the murder of more than 100 times as many people. Nothing other than jingoism or other obfuscated hungers for wealth can value an American life greater than an Iraqi.

MI6 agent Hassan Butt comes out to further justify repression and torture of Mulsims around the world at the hands of UK forces. He states that terrorists love people who rightly criticize the parties responsible for terrorism: the capitalist power brokers in charge of Western political machines. Their evil hearts smiled whenever someone on the news blamed Tony Blair or George Bush for terrorism, he says. The author fails to state whether he received any financial assistance from the UK government while he infiltrated these alleged jihadi cells. He also fails to disclose how much he currently earns from exposing the dark ministrations of Islamists to the White Europeans he now loves so much. Material support couldn't have anything to do with that love, now could it?

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