Monday, July 2, 2007

British MI6 Agents Fail Mission to Suicide Bomb Airport

Two British intelligence agents were arrested after driving a Jeep Cherokee full of gasoline and nails into Glasgow airport on 7-1-2007. The agents failed in their mission as their superiors told them to die in the operation, lest the media discover that they were government agents. The British government instructed the men to yell Islamic slogans such as "Allahu Akhbar" (God is Greatest) in order to justify an upcoming campaign to arrest, torture, and murder Muslims across the United Kingdom. The British government also plans to step up imperialist spying and military campaigns around the world.

The United States regime admired the botched British false flag operation, stating that it planned to carry out fake terrorist attacks in order to expand its imperialist military campaign and murder more innocent people.

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