Monday, July 2, 2007

Red Terror Statement

Why Red Terror?

Traditionally, red is the color of communism. I don't see any point in mincing words about what the communist revolution will entail and what the bourgeois consider communists. In upholding the line of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, RT supports the proletariat reappropriating the property the capitalists and imperialists have stolen from them. The dictatorship of the proletariat will be terrorism to the capitalist who will seek through violent reaction to maintain his iron grip through lethal force.


We are scientific communists. After a communist revolution in which the proletariat seize power, a new bourgeoisie from within the communists will seek to restore capitalism. Reactions restored capitalism to the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin and to China after the death of Mao and the overthrow of the "Gang of Four."

The Chinese Cultural Revolution was the most advanced practice of communism in history.

We further agree with Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) on the status of workers within imperialist countries:
As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in Canada, Quebec, the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. (From MIM's Three Main Points)


RT operates anonymously principally because of lessons learned from Maoism. Agent provaceteurs frequently misrepresent biographical data about communists in order to discredit them, and we must expend much effort refuting such distortions. There are further security implications that require anonymity. Our own safety doesn't concern us much, but we don't want to unintentionally endanger comrades engaged in struggle throughout the world. In remaining as anonymous as possible, it makes it that much more difficult for capitalist militias to track communists down and murder them. Capitalist militias take the form of local, state, and federal law enforcement, covert intelligence agencies and state military, to name a few forms.

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