Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Musharraf's Assassination Inevitable

Unless Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf starts hiring mercenary guards from Blackwater or the U$ military, Pakistani Muslims soon will assassinate him thanks to the Lal Masjid massacre. Most people understand that Musharraf stormed the mosque at the bidding of his U$ masters. The Muslim press has roundly denounced him and his government as munafiqun (hypocrites), which is a loaded term from the Qur'an. The munafiqun were considered treacherous in the Qur'an because they publically professed Islam yet secretly plotted against Muhammad and the Muslims.

Musharraf tried to keep the press at bay to not reveal the brutality he wrought at Lal Masjid. While he might control the press briefly, the truth about such atrocities eventually comes out despite the best laid plans. Some claim that the recent assassination attempt was merely a crude attempt to justify the massacre, but it fails that purpose. Red Terror wishes the mujahiddeen luck in killing Pervez Musharraf, the most craven champion of U$ imperialism since the resignation of Tony Blair.

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