Sunday, July 22, 2007

Feingold: Censure Bush

Senator Russ Feingold has sounded the call to censure President Bush for making misleading statements about Iraq, mishandling the war, and warrantless wiretaps. RT considers a censure of Bush as essentially meaningless, but we can't agree with Senator Reid that the Senate doesn't need a censure to show that Bush has been the worst President in history. The article points out that Feingold's past censure motions found essentially no support, and this supports the perception of Democrats as political weaklings. The Republicans don't waste a second in levelling partisan accusations against Democrats, so why are the Democrats so spineless in dealing with their adversaries? Speaker Pelosi doesn't have any interest in impeaching Bush. RT waits patiently for the start of the revolution in the imperialist nations, but until then, for god's sake, fight back!

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